Is Content Marketing Right for My Business?

This will help keep the content focused on the value and results, not the brand. Workbooks and templates.Keep your brand in front of buyers, while continuing to inform. Design for print but make it as interactive and practical as possible. There’s not a lot of room for big images, so use text formatting to make them easy for a reader to quickly scan.
Original content can capture the attention of your audience. Your timeline should depend on specific KPIs and expectations. This includes budgets, number of available team members, etc. This organized approach is especially helpful if you have lots of content and want to build authority on a certain topic. Building topic clusters in one of the most effective ways to organize your content. Prioritization is an essential element of content planning.
That’s why it’s so important to vary the types of content marketing you use and to have a comprehensive content strategy in place. Blogging is perhaps the most commonly used content marketing strategy that businesses of all sizes use to attract their audience. Maintaining a blog increases your likelihood of developing strong relationships with your readers, which can result in increasingly profitable customer actions.
Understand the role of branded content.It should educate and inform, rather than promote your brand in a blatant way. It should not feel at all “salesy” or you could do harm to your brand. 75% of people claim to see better marketing ROI when they use visuals in their content. Place Marketing Automation in your graphics, such as in the footer of your infographic, and link them out to your social media pages. You can also take any other “shareable” bits and excerpts from your article and turn them into pull quotes to grab the readers’ attention. If you’re using expert quotes or customer testimonials in your article, highlight a few of them visually in the form of pull quotes.
We’ve emphasized the words Creation and Distribution to clarify that content marketing incorporates both. Learn how to ensure brand consistency in tone, language, and style across every channel and piece of content. Understand how to map your content better and determine where it fits best for each customer journey stage. Understanding what content type will fit your brand is essential because not everything will. We explain the different content formats you can try out and when they work best. It is also important to avoid using the pope as part of a marketing strategy.